To understand customer needs and to continuously improve product and service qualities, third-party agencies have been asked to conduct customer satisfaction survey for Hsin Tung Yang at channel service areas at highways and airports since 2018. Through analyzing the results of such surveys, we can better understand consumer behavior of customers while using our service areas; we can understand customers' levels of satisfaction for various facilities, services, activities, dining, and spatial arrangement at the airport and highway service areas, as well as understand the nature of passenger travels and their consumption as basis for planning future marketing strategies. In addition, by coordinating passengers' topics of concern and needs, we can use such data as basis for decision-making in future service improvements.
In terms of the highway service areas, satisfaction surveys were conducted on all four service areas in 2018 and 2019. Aspects of the surveys included dining, convenience stores, souvenir counters, bathrooms, other environmental facilities, and customers' overall satisfaction. Alternatively, for the airport shops, customer satisfaction surveys have been conducted at our shops at Terminal 1 of Taoyuan International Airport since 2018, and survey on shops at Taipei International Airport also began in 2019. Aspects of these surveys included: restaurants, souvenir counters, convenience stores, public areas, and unmanned stores. The average overall satisfaction for highway service areas has reached 86.4 points in recent years, while the overall satisfaction for airports has reached 86.9 points.

LISTEN TO CUSTOMER OPINIONSListening to the Voice of Customers
Hsin Tung Yang's customers include consumers and business entities. To obtain customers' real-time thoughts and opinions on our products and services, we strive to communicate with customers through diverse channels that include toll-free customer service hotline, channel mailboxes, customer satisfaction surveys, and paying visits to corporate customers. When a customer has concerns over product or service flaws, feedback or complaints can be delivered through fluent customer service hotline and the point of contact on our website. In order to reflect customers' opinions to relevant business, logistics and production units, dedicated contact persons have been set up for four types of our products and services, namely merchandise, shops, businesses and trading. Customer opinions will be submitted to our management when necessary, and would be processed after clarifying relevant causes to ensure customers could receive satisfactory solutions and response, thereby enhancing Hsin Tung Yang's trustworthiness.
For instance, in case of flaws in products manufactured by Hsin Tung Yang, the Production Division would compile and analyze relevant customer complaints during monthly quality management meetings. Causes would be analyzed and changes in the ratio of complaints would be compared and contrasted with the previous month and on a month-on-month basis. In addition, remedial and preventive measures would be established to reduce occurrences of inferior products. In case of material complaint regarding food safety, the Food Safety Decision-making Team would immediately implement contingency processes, and relevant measures including product recall would be executed when necessary. Hsin Tung Yang analyzes complaint analysis on an annual basis as well as relevant three-year trends in order to achieve continuous improvements. A complaint processing form is created based on the type of complaint and then provided to Quality Assurance unit for analysis and statistical calculations in order to to monitor the effectiveness of quality improvement over the year. Such effectiveness is also used as references during operational adjustments.

Customer files complaint
Complaint is received
Type of complaint is determined
Material complaint
- Complaints made to press/media
- Complaints to Consumers' Foundation, Chinese Taipei or Consumer Protection Committee, Executive Yuan
- Customer experiences physical discomfort
- Whistleblowing from competent authority at Department of Health
- Material food safety incident reported on the news
Food Safety Decision-making Team
General complaints
Causality analysis and processing
Handled by Customer Service Center
Contigency response processes
Determining product recall
Product recall
Not needed
Submitting complaint handling for approval
Complaint solution and closure
Remedial and preventive measures
Quality meeting controls
Not needed
Complaint statistics and analysis
Documentation of complaint
Case closure
PROTECT CUSTOMER PRIVACYProtecting Customer Privacy
Trustworthiness and security are the foundations to forming and strengthening long-term relations with customers to any brand; hence, Hsin Tung Yang is highly focused on customer privacy management, and achieves our commitment for protecting members' privacy against data leak through measures which include reinforced dat aprotection and access control. Hsin Tung Yang acquires members' registration information via our online shop and store membership registration. All consumers are asked to review the privacy policy in "Hsin Tung Yang membership terms," and their consent is always achieved before collecting, processing, using, or documenting any member's information.
Through access control and hierarchical management, usage rights related to members' information is segregated, and every department can only use such information in ways specified for their business needs. The use of specific data requires authorization from supervisors, and to strengthen supervision and control over information and to prevent data leak, all relevant salespersons are also required to undergo compulsory educational training for "Personal Data Protection Act". Hsin Tung Yang also specifies customer information protection regulations with information system vendors, and will also sign "Statement of Confidentiality" with data erase & disposal services in the future and to store "document disposal treatment records" in the future to ensure privacy protection.Hsin Tung Yang's Privacy Policy
Member's personal data
In-store paper-based membership application Registration information
Website membership application Registration information
Online shop membership application Registration information
App membership application Registration information
Documenting paper-based information
Documenting at Marketing Division at headquarters
Dispose of paper-based records that have been kept for 5 years or more
Data input to LMS
LMS membership database
Data access/setting/maintenance based on the management rights of each unit
【Store manager】
- Download list of members (for sending direct mails or telemarketing)
【Sales managers】
- download list of members, query certain charts/tables
【Store/customer service staff】
- Query and revise members' basic information
- Query members' past transactions/current bonus points
【Marketing managers and planning personnel】
- Query, revise and maintain members' basic information
- Query members' past transactions/current bonus points
- Membership promotions management (gifts/rewards/coupons/other incentives)
- Can set members' text SMS settings
- Develop and query membership charts and tables
【E-commerce managers】
- Query and revise members' basic information
- Query members' tables and charts
【Merchandise managers and buyers】
- Bonus points and promotional product management (setting rewards for reaching certain bonus points)
【Merchandise managers】
- Query product-related tables and charts

A Simple Understanding
Dedicated to Our Commitment to Ensure Customer Trust