Taste of GourmetProviding Sustainable Products and Services
1Creating Innovative Services
- Building a smoke-free highway service area
- Promoting local cultural and ecological education at highway service areas
- Swapping disposable utensils with eco-friendly utensils
- Providing thoughtful services to passengers including resting lounge and libraries
2Developing LOHAS Products
- Developing healthy food and supplements
- Packaging design adopts circular economy concept
- Enhance transparency in food and dining traceability
Reduce waste of food and ingredients
Taste of ClassBuilding a Green Supply Chain
1Promote Green Production and Circular Economy
- Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emission in action
- Enhance processing efficiency to reduce energy and resource consumption
- Establish renewable energy-based electricity generation system
- Promote water-saving and recycling programs
- Promote waste reduction
- Encourage reuse of resources including building materials at service stations
2Promote Sustainable Value Chain
- Fulfill food safety management and quality inspection in practice
- Fulfill supplier ESG management and conduct environmental impact risk screening and assessment
- Strengthen product traceability, and promote information transparency throughout supply chain
- Enhance ratio of sustainable procurement e.g. The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and recycled paper boxes etc.
- Encourage interactions and visits to promote sustainability initiative
- Empower small-scale farmers who practice organic, natural farming
Taste of LovePromoting Co-prosperity with Employees and Society
1Promoting Local and Agricultural Development
- Encouraging channels to achieve local economic development
- Reinforcing partnerships with products from small-scale farmers and promoting relevant channels
- Supporting empowerment of young people in agriculture
2Enhancing Education and Talent Training
- Promote industry-academic cooperation and internship program
- Organize diverse arts and creative contests
- Sponsor remote areas and education near and far
3Caring for the Disadvantaged
- Develop charity products to encourage consumers to help
- Donate food to disadvantaged groups to promote their health and balanced-nutrition
- Donate to disadvantaged groups
4Building a Healthy and Equal Work Environment
- Established Occupational Safety and Health Management System ISO 45001
- Implement workers' human rights policy and gender equality
- Building an employee caring system to promote health and reinforce relevant advocacy
Meticulous Compliance
To Achieve Sustainable Development